Changing Room Furniture

Having the correct changing room furniture is vital in making sure specific changing areas and cloakrooms in the workplace are kept clean, tidy and sanitised. Our collection of workplace cloakroom furniture offers everything from education cloakroom furniture to coat rails and hooks, to help keep your changing spaces professional and efficient. Pair with Equip4work's collection of staff lockers and school lockers to create the ideal changing area in your workplace.

In many industries, changing rooms and cloakrooms are some of the most well-used areas within the workplace. At Equip4work, we understand how important it is to have these areas properly and professionally furnished, which is why our selection of changing room and cloakroom furniture features all the needed necessities.

Workplace cloakroom furniture from Equip4work includes a range of different benches, as well as coat rails and hooks to hold a variety of garments. Island benches are a popular favourite, offering both coat rails and benches to provide a 2-in-1 changing facility as well as help you make the most of changing room space.

Browse our excellent selection of changing room furniture and lockers today and discover the perfect pieces for your workplace cloakroom, changing room or personal storage space.

Contact our expert sales team now for help with choosing the correct changing room furniture for you, and browse our wide range of lockers to find the best lockers for your changing rooms.
